Hands of the developers typing on their laptop keyboards.

Why Choose GUSS?

There are many advantages to working with GUSS.  There are also projects that are less suited to how we work.  Use our guide below to see if we’re a fit for your project.  

Why work with Us

Things to Consider

Why work with Us

Things to Consider


Flexible, skilled workforce:

The breadth of learning opportunities at the University of Glasgow allows GUSS to offer a wide range of skills at affordable rates. 

Many of our customers have considered directly hiring a software engineer.  However, they may not have the knowledge to direct that person effectively, or they may not be able to offer a substantial enough role to attract a quality candidate.  GUSS provides direction and project management, while providing support and supervision to our developers. 

Time pressures and constraints: 

While GUSS can often deliver within tight timescales, we work best with customers who can be flexible.  Our student developers may be learning a new skill or approach to solving a problem. Exam and coursework deadlines can reduce the availability of the developers. Meanwhile, holiday periods can create opportunities for developers to take on additional hours.   

Our project managers plan around seasonal variations as much as possible, working with customers to manage schedule changes effectively. 

Contractual arrangements:

External customers who engage GUSS are required to sign a standard contract with the University of Glasgow, which can be viewed in advance.  The contract offers a flexible option regarding use and ownership of intellectual property.  It commits GUSS to work with customers to make best use of an agreed budget to spend on software development time and project management, rather than committing to meeting a fixed outcome 

Support, maintenance, training, and ongoing development:

No software remains static Updates, security reviews, bug fixes, and amendments will be required. Customers have the option to commission GUSS to provide ongoing maintenance beyond the development phase.  Many customers also return for further developmentGUSS can provide training to customers’ existing staff on how to use and maintain software effectively. We can also support the transition of our students into internships and paid positions within the customer’s organisation for longer-term development. 


We work with customers to find optimum solutions to their software needs, within the resources available to them.  This may mean directing customers towards off-the-shelf solutions rather than accepting commissions to build bespoke software.  We often conduct small, paid feasibility studies for customers to explore and make recommendations on the range of options available to them.   

Social purpose: 

Our customers are typically very supportive of our core mission, to provide students with meaningful work experience, and bring a sensitive, and flexible attitude to working with less experienced developers. 



Agile development:

GUSS deploys an industry-standard approach to software development known as “agile” development.  This involves carrying out development in short (1-2 week) phases known as “sprints”, then checking progress and interpretation of the project brief with customers – incorporating feedback into the next sprint of development.  

This approach ensures that customers’ needs are continuously fed into every stage of the project, and helps customers make the best use of their budget. 


Time commitment:

To ensure that we’re meeting customers’ needs, customers must make themselves available to engage with the Project Manager and development team on a regular basis by attending to meetings and responding promptly to communications.  

Match funding:

Many sources of grant funding require their financial contribution to be matched by a cash or in-kind contribution.  

Funding support:

If you need to apply for funding to pay for your project, we’ll support you through the application process to help maximise your chances of success and guide you through any associated university administration.